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- This tiny accessory gave my Android phone thermal vision superpowers (and it's on sale)
Complete CME Configuration Template
Begin CME Configuration:
ENRT-1UC#sh run
Building configuration…
Current configuration : 33776 bytes
! Last configuration change at 21:20:45 PST Mon Jul 26 2010 by cisco
! NVRAM config last updated at 18:49:53 PST Wed Jul 28 2010
version 15.0
parser config cache interface
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
service internal
service compress-config
service sequence-numbers
hostname ENRT-1UC
enable secret 5 $1$U.Dy$FX2gvX1cbWQloPUVEHlCd.
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius radius_local
server auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login auth_method_radius_local group radius_local
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa accounting update periodic 10
aaa accounting network acct_method_radius_local
action-type start-stop
group radius_local
aaa session-id common
clock timezone EST -5
clock summer-time PST recurring
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-588276992
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-588276992
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-588276992
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-588276992
certificate self-signed 02
3082023E 308201A7 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 35383832 37363939 32301E17 0D313030 37323531 39303730
355A170D 32303031 30313030 30303030 5A303031 2E302C06 03550403 1325494F
532D5365 6C662D53 69676E65 642D4365 72746966 69636174 652D3538 38323736
39393230 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100
A6DA1AA7 6591DB57 2FB94B3C 197022A0 CA29B4F6 78D0EA31 017880F7 44A873BF
AFDC2C34 FA56C6AA DF17FA8B 107E1154 D599AC64 C57EB04E 9D8EF113 5A9B5020
F3FB668B E8FE4C15 4A09D719 C8237B7C 9183D8E6 D5C51C3B E384645B 15A385C2
393AE087 F5E3A55F CBF50AB6 A04703CB 55A2F98B 9D194A98 D63EFB9D 42E242BD
02030100 01A36830 66300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF3013 0603551D
11040C30 0A820845 4E52542D 31554330 1F060355 1D230418 30168014 287267C3
CED4B578 C664A82B 9390B05E 68546025 301D0603 551D0E04 16041428 7267C3CE
D4B578C6 64A82B93 90B05E68 54602530 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010104 05000381
81005BE5 476CA9BF 57F06886 95A9E689 BC9A9413 41A58618 A14B8683 3159C90A
50EA0A40 78C640D0 492BE93B 59306500 F23DAB22 3F06338B FFE7C830 B24E188D
F4A1898C EB81CB58 912D4E3D 1DE64A55 437F402D BDA078D9 3E53C16F EBBA875B
FD5075F7 40F6D0FE E80E7DFA 9B3AB953 11DA1C87 3606A939 41AD9032 763EC09A 4B16
dot11 syslog
dot11 ssid cisco-data
vlan 1
authentication open
dot11 ssid cisco-voice
vlan 100
authentication open
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp relay information trust-all
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool phone
option 150 ip
ip name-server
ip name-server
ip inspect log drop-pkt
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH appfw SDM_HIGH
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH icmp
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH dns
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH esmtp
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH https
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH imap reset
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH pop3 reset
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH tcp router-traffic
ip inspect name SDM_HIGH udp router-traffic timeout 300
no ipv6 cef
appfw policy-name SDM_HIGH
application im aol
service default action reset alarm
service text-chat action reset alarm
server deny name login.oscar.aol.com
server deny name toc.oscar.aol.com
server deny name oam-d09a.blue.aol.com
audit-trail on
application im msn
service default action reset alarm
service text-chat action reset alarm
server deny name messenger.hotmail.com
server deny name gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
server deny name webmessenger.msn.com
audit-trail on
application http
strict-http action reset alarm
port-misuse im action reset alarm
port-misuse p2p action reset alarm
port-misuse tunneling action reset alarm
application im yahoo
service default action reset alarm
service text-chat action reset alarm
server deny name scs.msg.yahoo.com
server deny name scsa.msg.yahoo.com
server deny name scsb.msg.yahoo.com
server deny name scsc.msg.yahoo.com
server deny name scsd.msg.yahoo.com
server deny name cs16.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
server deny name cs19.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
server deny name cs42.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
server deny name cs53.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
server deny name cs54.msg.dcn.yahoo.com
server deny name ads1.vip.scd.yahoo.com
server deny name radio1.launch.vip.dal.yahoo.com
server deny name in1.msg.vip.re2.yahoo.com
server deny name data1.my.vip.sc5.yahoo.com
server deny name address1.pim.vip.mud.yahoo.com
server deny name edit.messenger.yahoo.com
server deny name messenger.yahoo.com
server deny name http.pager.yahoo.com
server deny name privacy.yahoo.com
server deny name csa.yahoo.com
server deny name csb.yahoo.com
server deny name csc.yahoo.com
audit-trail on
stcapp ccm-group 1
stcapp feature access-code
stcapp supplementary-services
port 0/0/0
fallback-dn 301
port 0/0/1
fallback-dn 302
port 0/0/2
fallback-dn 303
port 0/0/3
fallback-dn 304
multilink bundle-name authenticated
trunk group ALL_FXO
max-retry 5
voice-class cause-code 1
hunt-scheme longest-idle
voice call send-alert
voice rtp send-recv
voice service voip
dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
supplementary-service h450.12
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer
registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600
outbound-proxy ipv4:
no update-callerid
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
voice class cause-code 1
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 10
max-pool 10
voice register dn 1
number 150
voice register pool 1
id mac 0003.FF00.4000
number 1 dn 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username name password pass1
no vad
voice source-group CCA_SIP_SOURCE_GROUP
access-list 2
translation-profile incoming SIP_Incoming
voice translation-rule 6
rule 1 /8776587270/ /101/
voice translation-rule 7
rule 1 /5143168496/ /101/
voice translation-rule 410
rule 1 /^9\(.*\)/ /\1/
rule 15 /^…$/ /5143168496/
voice translation-rule 411
rule 1 /^9\(.*\)/ /ABCD9\1/
voice translation-rule 412
rule 1 /^ABCD\(.*\)/ /\1/
voice translation-rule 1111
rule 15 /.*/ /5143168496/
voice translation-rule 1112
rule 1 /^9/ //
voice translation-rule 2002
rule 1 /^6/ //
voice translation-rule 2222
voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
translate calling 1111
voice translation-profile CallBlocking
translate called 2222
voice translation-profile Incoming_Called_7
translate called 7
voice translation-profile OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
translate called 1112
voice translation-profile PSTN_CallForwarding
translate redirect-target 410
translate redirect-called 410
voice translation-profile PSTN_Outgoing
translate calling 1111
translate called 1112
translate redirect-target 410
translate redirect-called 410
voice translation-profile SIP_Incoming
translate called 411
voice translation-profile SIP_Passthrough
translate called 412
voice translation-profile TollFree877_Called_6
translate called 6
voice translation-profile XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE
translate redirect-called 2002
voice-card 0
license udi pid UC520W-8U-4FXO-K9 sn FHK134975CT
log config
logging enable
logging size 600
username admin secret 5 XXXX
process-max-time 50
ip tftp source-interface Loopback0
class-map match-all _class_Voice0
match ip dscp ef
class-map match-all _class_Voice1
match ip dscp cs3
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_kazaa
match protocol fasttrack
match protocol kazaa2
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_edonkey
match protocol edonkey
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_gnutella
match protocol gnutella
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_bittorrent
match protocol bittorrent
policy-map Voice
class _class_Voice0
set cos 6
class _class_Voice1
set cos 3
policy-map sdmappfwp2p_SDM_HIGH
class sdm_p2p_gnutella
class sdm_p2p_bittorrent
class sdm_p2p_edonkey
class sdm_p2p_kazaa
bridge irb
interface Loopback0
description $FW_INSIDE$
ip address
ip access-group 101 in
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
interface FastEthernet0/0
description $FW_OUTSIDE$
ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0/0
ip access-group 104 in
ip nat outside
ip inspect SDM_HIGH out
ip virtual-reassembly
load-interval 30
duplex auto
speed auto
service-policy input sdmappfwp2p_SDM_HIGH
service-policy output sdmappfwp2p_SDM_HIGH
interface Integrated-Service-Engine0/0
description cue is initialized with default IMAP group
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface FastEthernet0/1/0
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/1
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/2
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/3
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/4
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/5
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/6
switchport voice vlan 100
macro description cisco-phone | cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/7
switchport trunk native vlan 100
switchport mode trunk
macro description cisco-switch | cisco-switch
interface FastEthernet0/1/8
switchport mode trunk
macro description cisco-switch | cisco-switch
interface Dot11Radio0/5/0
no ip address
encryption vlan 1 key 1 size 128bit 0 2EB97E5F85647D0EE2E3B324FE transmit-key
encryption vlan 1 mode wep mandatory
ssid cisco-data
ssid cisco-voice
speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
station-role root
service-policy output Voice
interface Dot11Radio0/5/0.1
encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
bridge-group 1
bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
no bridge-group 1 source-learning
no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio0/5/0.100
encapsulation dot1Q 100
bridge-group 100
bridge-group 100 subscriber-loop-control
bridge-group 100 spanning-disabled
bridge-group 100 block-unknown-source
no bridge-group 100 source-learning
no bridge-group 100 unicast-flooding
interface Vlan1
no ip address
bridge-group 1
interface Vlan100
no ip address
bridge-group 100
interface BVI1
description $FW_INSIDE$
ip address
ip access-group 102 in
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
interface BVI100
description $FW_INSIDE$
ip address
ip access-group 103 in
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:/gui
ip dns server
ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
ip route Integrated-Service-Engine0/0
access-list 1 remark SDM_ACL Category=2
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
access-list 2 remark CCA_SIP_SOURCE_GROUP_ACL
access-list 2 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 deny any
access-list 100 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration
access-list 100 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 deny ip host any
access-list 100 deny ip any
access-list 100 permit ip any any
access-list 101 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_7##
access-list 101 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 101 permit tcp eq 2000 any
access-list 101 permit udp eq 2000 any
access-list 101 deny ip any
access-list 101 deny ip any
access-list 101 deny ip host any
access-list 101 deny ip any
access-list 101 permit ip any any
access-list 102 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_5##
access-list 102 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 102 deny ip any
access-list 102 deny ip any
access-list 102 deny ip host any
access-list 102 deny ip any
access-list 102 permit ip any any
access-list 103 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_7##
access-list 103 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 103 permit tcp any eq 2000
access-list 103 permit udp any eq 2000
access-list 103 deny ip any
access-list 103 deny ip any
access-list 103 deny ip host any
access-list 103 deny ip any
access-list 103 permit ip any any
access-list 104 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_20##
access-list 104 remark SDM_ACL Category=1
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootpc
access-list 104 permit udp host eq domain any
access-list 104 permit udp host eq domain any
access-list 104 permit icmp any any echo-reply
access-list 104 permit icmp any any time-exceeded
access-list 104 permit icmp any any unreachable
access-list 104 permit udp host eq 5060 any
access-list 104 permit udp host any eq 5060
access-list 104 permit udp host eq 5060 any
access-list 104 permit udp host any eq 5060
access-list 104 permit udp any any range 16384 32767
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip any
access-list 104 deny ip host any
access-list 104 deny ip any any log
access-list 104 permit tcp any any established
snmp-server community public RO
tftp-server flash:/phones/521_524/cp524g-8-1-17.bin alias cp524g-8-1-17.bin
tftp-server flash:/phones/5×5/spa5x5-7-4-3.bin alias spa5x5-7-4-3.bin
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/apps42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias apps42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/cnu42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias cnu42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/cvm42sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias cvm42sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/dsp42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias dsp42.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/jar42sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias jar42sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/SCCP42.8-5-3S.loads alias SCCP42.8-5-3S.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/term42.default.loads alias term42.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/7942_7962/term62.default.loads alias term62.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/apps70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias apps70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/cnu70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias cnu70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/cvm70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias cvm70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/dsp70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias dsp70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/jar70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn alias jar70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/SCCP70.8-5-3S.loads alias SCCP70.8-5-3S.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/term70.default.loads alias term70.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/7970_7971/term71.default.loads alias term71.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog1.raw alias Analog1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog2.raw alias Analog2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThere.raw alias AreYouThere.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/DistinctiveRingList.xml alias DistinctiveRingList.xml
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/RingList.xml alias RingList.xml
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThereF.raw alias AreYouThereF.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Bass.raw alias Bass.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/CallBack.raw alias CallBack.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Chime.raw alias Chime.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic1.raw alias Classic1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic2.raw alias Classic2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/ClockShop.raw alias ClockShop.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Drums1.raw alias Drums1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Drums2.raw alias Drums2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/FilmScore.raw alias FilmScore.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/HarpSynth.raw alias HarpSynth.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Jamaica.raw alias Jamaica.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/KotoEffect.raw alias KotoEffect.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/MusicBox.raw alias MusicBox.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Piano1.raw alias Piano1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Piano2.raw alias Piano2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Pop.raw alias Pop.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Pulse1.raw alias Pulse1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring1.raw alias Ring1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring2.raw alias Ring2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring3.raw alias Ring3.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring4.raw alias Ring4.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring5.raw alias Ring5.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring6.raw alias Ring6.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring7.raw alias Ring7.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Sax1.raw alias Sax1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Sax2.raw alias Sax2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Vibe.raw alias Vibe.raw
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16/List.xml
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16/List.xml
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_allagentsbusy.au alias en_bacd_allagentsbusy.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_disconnect.au alias en_bacd_disconnect.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_enter_dest.au alias en_bacd_enter_dest.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_invalidoption.au alias en_bacd_invalidoption.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_music_on_hold.au alias en_bacd_music_on_hold.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_options_menu.au alias en_bacd_options_menu.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_welcome.au alias en_bacd_welcome.au
tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_xferto_operator.au alias en_bacd_xferto_operator.au
tftp-server flash:/its/united_states_7960-tones.xml alias United_States/g3-tones.xml
tftp-server flash:/7921-dictionary.xml alias English_United_States/7921-dictionary.xml
tftp-server flash:/7921-font.dat alias English_United_States/7921-font.dat
tftp-server flash:/7921-kate.utf-8.xml alias English_United_States/7921-kate.utf-8.xml
tftp-server flash:/7921-kate.xml alias English_United_States/7921-kate.xml
tftp-server flash:/be-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/be-sccp.jar
tftp-server flash:/gp-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/gp-sccp.jar
tftp-server flash:/ipc-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/ipc-sccp.jar
tftp-server flash:/mk-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/mk-sccp.jar
tftp-server flash:/tc-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/tc-sccp.jar
tftp-server flash:/td-sccp.jar alias English_United_States/td-sccp.jar
radius-server local
nas key 0 XXXXXXXX
user dave.laramee nthash 0 XXXX
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key enrt4628
bridge 1 route ip
bridge 100 route ip
call threshold interface FastEthernet0/0 int-calls low 10 high 10
voice-port 0/0/0
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 0/0/1
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 0/0/2
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 0/0/3
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 0/1/0
trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
connection plar 201
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
connection plar 202
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/2
trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
connection plar 203
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/3
trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
connection plar 204
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/4/0
signal immediate
input gain auto-control -15
description Music On Hold Port
sccp local Loopback0
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 3.1
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
dial-peer cor custom
name internal
name local
name local-plus
name international
name national
name national-plus
name emergency
name toll-free
dial-peer cor list call-internal
member internal
dial-peer cor list call-local
member local
dial-peer cor list call-local-plus
member local-plus
dial-peer cor list call-national
member national
dial-peer cor list call-national-plus
member national-plus
dial-peer cor list call-international
member international
dial-peer cor list call-emergency
member emergency
dial-peer cor list call-toll-free
member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-internal
member internal
member emergency
dial-peer cor list user-local
member internal
member local
member emergency
member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-local-plus
member internal
member local
member local-plus
member emergency
member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-national
member internal
member local
member local-plus
member national
member emergency
member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-national-plus
member internal
member local
member local-plus
member national
member national-plus
member emergency
member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-international
member internal
member local
member local-plus
member international
member national
member national-plus
member emergency
member toll-free
dial-peer voice 1 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/0
dial-peer voice 2 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/1
dial-peer voice 3 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/2
dial-peer voice 4 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/3
dial-peer voice 5 pots
description ** MOH Port **
destination-pattern ABC
port 0/4/0
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 50 pots
description ** incoming dial peer **
incoming called-number .%
port 0/1/0
dial-peer voice 51 pots
description ** incoming dial peer **
incoming called-number .%
port 0/1/1
dial-peer voice 52 pots
description ** incoming dial peer **
incoming called-number .%
port 0/1/2
dial-peer voice 53 pots
description ** incoming dial peer **
incoming called-number .%
port 0/1/3
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
description ** cue voicemail pilot number **
translation-profile outgoing XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE
destination-pattern 800
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 54 pots
description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
destination-pattern A0
port 0/1/0
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 55 pots
description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
destination-pattern A1
port 0/1/1
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 56 pots
description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
destination-pattern A2
port 0/1/2
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 57 pots
description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
destination-pattern A3
port 0/1/3
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 1000 voip
permission term
description ** Incoming call from SIP trunk (Generic SIP Trunk Provider) **
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
incoming called-number .%
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
corlist outgoing call-local
description ** star code to SIP trunk (Generic SIP Trunk Provider) **
destination-pattern *..
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
dial-peer voice 1003 voip
description ** Passthrough Inbound Calls from CUE **
translation-profile incoming SIP_Passthrough
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number ABCDT
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 1005 voip
description ** Passthrough Inbound MWI from CUE **
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number A80T
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 58 pots
trunkgroup ALL_FXO
corlist outgoing call-national
description **CCA*North-American*Local 10**
translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
preference 5
destination-pattern 9[2-9]………
forward-digits all
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 1023 voip
corlist outgoing call-national
description **CCA*North-American*Local 10**
translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
preference 1
destination-pattern [2-9]………
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
dial-peer voice 59 pots
trunkgroup ALL_FXO
corlist outgoing call-national-plus
description **CCA*North-American*Long-Distance**
translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
preference 5
destination-pattern 91[2-9]………
forward-digits all
no sip-register
dial-peer voice 1020 voip
corlist outgoing call-national-plus
description **CCA*North-American*Long-Distance**
translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing
preference 1
destination-pattern 1[2-9]………
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
dial-peer voice 3002 voip
description TollFree877
translation-profile incoming TollFree877_Called_6
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
incoming called-number 8776587270
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
dial-peer voice 3003 voip
description Incoming
translation-profile incoming Incoming_Called_7
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
incoming called-number 5143168496
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
no vad
no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
credentials username — password 7 — realm 67.x.x.x
authentication username
password 7 —
calling-info pstn-to-sip from name set ENERNET
no remote-party-id
retry invite 2
retry register 10
timers connect 100
registrar ipv4: expires 3600
sip-server ipv4:
fxo hook-flash
max-ephones 14
max-dn 56
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 10 to 19
auto assign 5 to 8 type anl
calling-number initiator
service phone videoCapability 1
service phone ehookenable 1
service dnis overlay
service dnis dir-lookup
timeouts interdigit 5
system message UC520
url services
url authentication
cnf-file location flash:
load 7942 SCCP42.8-5-3S
load 7962 SCCP42.8-5-3S
load 7970 SCCP70.8-5-3S
load 7971 SCCP70.8-5-3S
load 521G-524G cp524g-8-1-17
load 501G spa5x5-7-4-3
load 502G spa5x5-7-4-3
load 504G spa5x5-7-4-3
load 508G spa5x5-7-4-3
load 509G spa5x5-7-4-3
time-zone 12
voicemail 800
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
call-forward system redirecting-expanded
moh flash:/media/music-on-hold_10db.au
multicast moh port 2000
web admin system name cisco secret 5 $1$LueE$BYPOgzzgSJk4ep/WZBDMN0
transfer-system full-consult dss
transfer-pattern 9.T
transfer-pattern .T
transfer-pattern 6… blind
secondary-dialtone 9
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 25 2010 15:07:38
ephone-template 15
url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
button-layout 7931 2
ephone-template 16
url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 301 no-reg primary
label 301
description PhoneA Analog
name PhoneA Analog
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 302 no-reg primary
label 302
description PhoneB Analog
name PhoneB Analog
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 303 no-reg primary
label 303
description PhoneC Analog
name PhoneC Analog
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 304 no-reg primary
label 304
description PhoneD Analog
name PhoneD Analog
call-forward busy 800
call-forward noan 800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 9
number BCD no-reg primary
description MoH
moh out-call ABC
ephone-dn 10
number 101
label Incoming
name Incoming
call-forward noan 800 timeout 15
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11
number 101
label Incoming
name Incoming
call-forward noan 800 timeout 15
no huntstop
ephone-dn 12
number 101
label Incoming
name Incoming
call-forward noan 800 timeout 15
no huntstop
ephone-dn 13
number 104
label Bedroom
description Bedroom
name Bedroom
ephone-dn 14
number 103
label Living Room
description Living Room
name Living Room
ephone-dn 15
number 102
label Dave Laramee
description Dave Laramee
name Dave Laramee
ephone-dn 54
number 6… no-reg primary
description ***CCA XFER TO VM EXTENSION***
call-forward all 800
ephone-dn 55
number A801… no-reg primary
mwi off
ephone-dn 56
number A800… no-reg primary
mwi on
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 6CCC.0C06.0000
ephone-template 16
max-calls-per-button 2
username “u301”
type anl
button 1:5
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 6CCC.0C06.0001
ephone-template 16
max-calls-per-button 2
username “u302”
type anl
button 1:6
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 6CCC.0C06.0002
ephone-template 16
max-calls-per-button 2
username “u303”
type anl
button 1:7
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 6CCC.0C06.0003
ephone-template 16
max-calls-per-button 2
username “u304”
type anl
button 1:8
ephone 5
nte-end-digit-delay 200
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0026.9943.5543
ephone-template 16
username “admin” password 0000
type 7962
button 1o10,11,12 2×1 3×1 4:15
button 5w13 6w14
ephone 6
nte-end-digit-delay 200
device-security-mode none
mac-address FCFB.FBCA.C2DD
ephone-template 16
username “admin2” password 0000
type 7962
button 1:14 2o10,11,12 3×2 4×2
ephone 7
device-security-mode none
mac-address FCFB.FBCA.C4A5
type 7962
button 1:13 2o10,11,12 3×2 4×2
ephone 8
device-security-mode none
mac-address E0CB.4E7B.0A40
type CIPC
ephone 9
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0005.9A3C.7800
type CIPC
alias exec cca_voice_mode PBX
banner login ^CCisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 2.2. Mon Jun 07 13:38:37 EDT 2010^C
line con 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
line vty 5 100
ntp master